Friday, April 9, 2010

all the faint lights.

First of all, I want to shoutout to the West Coast. There are times when i miss it so much. I miss friends. I miss CBU times. I miss familiarity.

However, I love living in Florida. I wouldn't change living here for the things I miss. The Lord truly does direct our steps (Proverbs 16:9). I have been challenged so much and I am so thankful the Lord's will is more perfect than I could ever want. I often think I know what's best. I am learning how sweet it is to be inside the Lord's will.

As of late i have been seeing the necessity of knowing Scripture and constantly being emersed in the Word of the Lord. I am drawn to Psalm 119. The whole chapter focus' on meditating on the Word and how excellent it is. If it wasn't 176 verses i would type it all. Just a few to point out are some sweet prayers and promises. It so constantly reminds me of the importance of Scripture. Ps 119:37 "Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness." v. 59: I thought about my ways and turned my feet to Your testimonies. ; v.160: the entirety of Your word is truth. ; v. 165: Great peace have those who love Your law., and nothing causes them to stumble.

At college group on Thursday we read from Acts 8. We were reminded how to be an effective evangelist we need to be FLUENT with the Word. Fluent would mean that I know it, just like I am fluent in English. I'm not just conversational. But I constantly settle to be conversational with the Word. I just know enough to somewhat communicate. But I can't be that effective if I only can partially communicate my message.

I just want to be more in the Word. I want to memorize it and soak it in. From it comes wisdom.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10.


Unknown said...

Awesome stuff Hillary.

Erin Wood said...

I just love this post. The word of God is so vibrantly becoming a part of your life. :) I think of you OFTEN and have been praying for you, friend. It has been amazing to see you grow and blossom as the Lord works on your heart. It is more clear now than ever that God led you to Florida so He could continue to reach deeper into your heart. I pray that you continue to seek after wisdom, that you would ask God and He would grant it. Love you, friend!