Last night was a rough night. The day was going so well, then something happened that rocked Clydehurst. Our dear friend Lauren, the wrangler, the amazing one who is in charge of the horses, got a phone call. Her mom had been out walking (in Ohio where she is from), and was tragically hit by a car. She passed away instantly. This is never a phone call you want to hear. I was working in the coffee shop here, when they told us to gather in the office. I though we were all in trouble, but this was not the case. The news hit most of us pretty hard. Me being one of them, as in I have also lost my mother. It hit another also hard, who lost his dad at a young age, who also got an unexpected call to find his dad sick and dying. All of us had no idea what to do. She was packing up and heading home. I quickly wrote a letter, hoping to encourage her if possible. But as I wrote i began to become a little angry. More so, i became scared of being angry. With God? maybe. More angry that now she has to go through what i did and still am. I was able to see her before she left. I can't even explain what it is like, but i felt for her. At this point i wanted to run, just get away. My best friend Chrita and I went to check on 2 of our friends, who had gone to chop wood as an outlet for the distress. Christa and i went running. the whole time we prayed, crying out to God. God met us there. We asked why? we wondered what to do. We prayed for an attitude change. God says ask, and we did. I am trusting in His love. It is going to be a trying adjustment for us as a staff, but God is good, all the time. I am looking forward to seeing how He works in this.
Ps. we by far have the best summer staff ever!
One a lighter note, here are a few pictures from my family being here :) so fun.
me working the coffee shop.
field riots!!


me working the hunger hut!
my a.m. running group :)
lastly, please be praying for Lauren and her family.
1 comment:
Praying for you, and for Lauren. I appreciate your honesty in sharing. Can't wait to see you soon and hopefully hear even more of how your summer has gone! Keep it up!
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