Saturday, July 4, 2009

another success.

hey! so this will be short..i don't have a lot of time..first of all..HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!! wow..what a week..i can't believe another has gone by..and successful once again..campers just left..we're leaving at noon today to go to Billings and to a baseball game..then to a carnival for fireworks! not much of a break..but so fun. I didn't have time to upload that will have to wait for today..a few recaps of the week..last weekend we went to the Big Timber Rodeo..which was fun watching some of our guys try to saddle and ride a cow. This week was the jr. highers. I had 7 girls in my cabin..all so great! They are definitely at a hard age, where they have a lot of questions about belief and what is real or not. I had a lot of free time it seemed..because they like to be independent. One thing i learned is to trust that God is working in their lives even when i can't see the outcome myself. I also really enjoy fridays..when we have water wars. Pretty much you get all wet..and there is lots of whip cream involved! It rained alot this week..which means lots of beautiful rainbows!! I miss all of you, and hope to talk to you soon! Keep in prayer this week, which is the last youth camp (high school). It's gonna take alot of energy, but i can't wait!

"God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me."

Bye :)

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