Oh man. Today is a big day. It is the halfway point of my summer at Clydehurst Christian Ranch. The youth camps are over, and we are preparing for family camps to come. I cannot believe it. I haven't been on in awhile, so this may be long. I feel the need to fill you in on alot.
First of all, 2 weekends ago we went to the Big Timber Rodeo. It was soo much fun, especially watching the guys try to saddle a cow :) I love spending time with counselors. Then we has jr. highers. I had 7 girls in my cabin. It was great but a challenging week. My girls had a hard time truly grasping what it means to be a Christian. They said they "believe it", but then asked what they believe the say they don't know. This was very frustrating. But i have to believe God is working in their lives, even if I can't see it right now. Then on saturday we went to Billings for the 4th of July. We left right after the campers left in the morning, went to a baseball game, and went to a carnival for food and fireworks. I love fireworks! The bummer is that it was raining for a bit, but it turned out to be a great staff outing.
This past week was crazy. Alot happened! Well to start, i only had 6 girls in my cabin because 2 didn't show up. On tuesday we went to the Boulder Fields. We took 4 buses to get all the campers there. On the way, on of the buses went off the edge and tipped over. Thankfully, the fall wasn't to far, and it only tipped on it's side, rather than rolling, or worse rolling into the river. I was not on this bus, however about 40 campers were. Thankfully, nobody was injured more than some scrapes and bruises! Praise God. All the details for the accident have been working out smoothly, but continue to pray that the reputation of the camp stays strong.
High school camp is a whole different ball game. The kids are way more mature from jr. high, and it is almost scary. I can remember back to high school, and i feel the innocence level has dropped dramatically. Some kids just are out of control, no respect, no care, down right mean, and it was crazy the sense of evil i felt i was around. At the same time, you have kids who are soo eager to grow and learn about the Lord, and are desperate to break out of societies low expectations and norm. Chapel this week was about the storms of life that we go through. I had the opportunity to share some of my testimony in front of the whole camp. It's crazy how much the kids love hearing the counselor's stories. They can connect and understand so much more. Through my testimony, i was able to share how through a storm you have to first acknowledge the pain. If not, the consequences will come later for holding it in. Also i shared how you absolutely have to place trust in God and not yourself. Taking control yourself does not work. Without Christ as your Solid Rock, there is no hope during a storm. I was able to talk to this girl about what she was struggling with, which was such an encouragement to me. All these kids have insane stories, some that i will never experience. But through my storms, i can show how God has been faithful to me, and that can bring comfort to them. 2 Cor. 1:3-4 says "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." Know that in any trials you go through, God will use you to comfort others if you allow Him.
God is so mighty to save. I learned that I can't do anything on my own. He alone will work in their hearts. Only He can save. He can move mountains. Even if I were not to praise Him, even the rocks would cry out!
I know you may want to see some pics. I miss you all and will respond to all written letters soon!
the rodeo..

jr. high.

...baseball game.

...Boulder Fields.

...High School..

Bye :)