Saturday, March 14, 2009

letting go.

Isn't it weird that the things in our life we need to work on most are the hardest things for us to do? Like patience. This is a big one for me. I am not a patient person. And when I pray for patience, I get situations that force me to be patient, in order for me to learn. For example, traffic. Not a fun thing for me. However, I think my biggest struggle is giving up control of my life. Sooo badly am I trying to hold on to it, and at the same time still trying to allow Christ to be in control. This doesn't make sense, yet I still hold on. Why do I want control? Am I trying to prove I am self- sufficient. I think I have come down to it being a pride issue, and that ultimately I think my way for my life is better. When will I realize and truly believe God's plan is bigger and better than I could ever hope for on my own?

I am trying to work on my pride, seeing as it is a root issue for a lot of things in my life. I am learning to reflect and contemplate the cross of Christ, because it is there that we shrink to our true size. Just the thought of the cross is humbling.

I want to stand as close to the cross as I possible can, because it is harder for me to be arrogant when I am there.

1 comment:

Hope Ekholm said...

"I am learning to reflect and contemplate the cross of Christ, because it is there that we shrink to our true size. Just the thought of the cross is humbling."

AMEN sister. I love it.