The time has come. We have one more week of camp! i have barely blinked and it's gone by. I don't like how fast it has gone. But it has been incredibly amazing. I am not ready to leave this new body of Christ. I have made some amazing friends. It will be hard to go. This past weekend was a great last one. About 15 of us went to Graham Creek, which is a 12 mile hike up to this open meadow. The beauty was astounding. It was definitely challenging..but so worth it.
I want to cherish every moment this week. I would even consider this place "home". I am anxious yet excited about the coming semester...I know God has a plan for it..and i am excited to see what that is!
I miss you all and will see you in less than a week!
pics of course!
girl counselor band pic. meadow.
Yay! Come home already!
just because you're home missy doesn't excuse you from blogging
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