So the first camp is officially over. This week was jam packed and fun filled with 3rd and 4th graders, and let me tell you, it was non-stop. I don't really know where to start summerizing. Well to start, the week was awesome. It was a smaller camp, so i only had 4 girls in my cabin. They were so great...Dayna, Grace, Hannah, and Kara. They were so much fun. The second night one girl got sick, but i handled it :) Basically they have chapel in the morning and night, with activities and free time during the day. The chapel speaker was great and all they kids really learned alot! He did illusions and ate fire, and really portrayed the message of the salvation well for them to understand! Two of my girls had given their lives to Christ last year, one had sometime before and one did this week! Now it's hard to understand if they truly understand what they are asking for, and most of them do get it. I am just praying that seeds were planted and the Lord takes that and helps them grow. One thing that was hard was that they try to figure EVERYTHING out. They just can't grasp how God was made, and that He actually wasn't, He always was. It doesn't make sense to them, or maybe to any of us. So it's hard trying to tell them you just have to have faith and believe it. For the whole week, 23 kids confessed to have asked Jesus into their hearts for the first time! Praise God!
There was also a lot of fun things that went on this week. We had backwards day, which was a lot of fun! We also had Superhero day, in which i was Catwoman. We had all the superhero's battle at the end of the day. We had a group of guys that won! It is so nice to have no campers here. The camp is like a ghost town, but it is so nice to just sit, and sleep or read and rest. Today, if the sun stays out, the staff is going hiking and for a dinner picnic. Then we are going to watch planet which i am super excited for :)
I learned alot this week. I learned to have energy when i didn't feel like it. I learned it wasn't about me. There were time when i just wanted to be alone, but had to remind myself, "You are here right here right now, and have to give all you've got." It is amazing how God works, and can teach you so much, even though your focus can be elsewhere. Even when i was selfish and only thinking of myself, God worked. God is still faithful. He is still powerful, holy, and sovereign. It is so nice to be away from the distractions of the world. I love just being outside and with these same people, and watching them grow and seeing how God is working in them. It has been such an awesome time. Tomorrow 5th and 6th graders come, and i think i am ready for another week. I know the Lord has control, and I am trusting in His power.
I Cor. 9:19-23
"For though I am free from all men, i have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that i might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that i might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that i might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that i might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that i might by all means save some. Now this i do for the gospel's sake, that i may be partaker of it with you."
I miss everyone not here with me. Just a few shoutouts:
Holly- I just wrote you pretty much a book last night of my time here so you may get that soon :)
Hope- Girl i miss you! i hope you are safe and having an awesome time in Ukraine. I am reading the updates! Thank you for your letters!
Jan- Thank you for your's and neily's letters! it is so good to hear what is goin on back home.
Grandma- Thank you for your letters!! i am sorry i haven't had the chance to talk to you. I am loving my time here, and miss you both! i am glad to hear grandpa got to hit golf balls!! I love you so much and will talk to you soon!!
G-Dub- ya smart idea, we don't need umbrellas here, you definitely just walk in the rain :) Miss you bud!
Dad and Beth- you should get a call from me soon (if not before you read this).
and of course i cant come on and not post pictures!

..lining up for lunch (backwards day):

crazy utensil breakfast (i had to eat a banana and biscuit with a can opener) haha..

well, thats all for now! I miss and love you all! Thank you for your prayers!!
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