Saturday, April 4, 2009

Late Night/Early Morning

So as I sit here wondering why I'm not asleep..I have decided this question survey would be the most exciting thing to do. Enjoy!

4 Jobs I have had in my life:

1. Soccer Referee
2. Summer Camp Rec Staff
3. Porsche Dealership receptionist
4. Office Work for Neal Trucking Company

4 Movies I’ve Watched More Than Once

1. Tommy Boy
2. Elf
3. Memento
4. The Little Rascals

4 Places I’ve Lived:

1. Chino, Ca
2. Murrieta, Ca
3. Riverside, Ca
4. Ventura, Ca

4 TV Shows I Watch/Watched

1. What Not To Wear
2. Food Network
3. The Bachelor/ette
4. Jon and Kate + 8

4 Places I have Been:

1. China
2. New Zealand
3. Canada
4. Hawaii

4 People who email me regularly

1. My aunt Jan
2. Better Homes and Gardens Online..(free recipes)
3. Facebook Updates
4. any family

4 of my favorite foods

1. Cornbread!!
2. Anything with Peanut Butter.
3. Chicken
4. Asain- Chinese or Thai

4 Places I Would Like to Visit

1. Israel
2. Greece
3. Spain
4. Any island (Bahamas)

Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year

1. Working at summer camp in Montana
3. Turning 21( i guess thats a big step in life)
4. Getting the chance in any way to grow in the Lord and hopefully be an impact in some way for His glory.

and there you have it :)

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