Well hello summer! i have been out of school for about a week now..and have been going non-stop since. but it has been enjoyable! just basically catching up with family and friends, with work here and there. In 2 weeks I will going to my real home (Ventura), basically the past week i have been wandering from house to house (grandma's, aunts, and friends). I am really excited to spend time in Ventura before I head up to Montana for the rest of the summer.
I have been learning a lot about time lately. Since I am out of school, I have so much time on my own, time to be wasted, or time to take advantage of. I also notice how much i want time to go by faster. For example, I was at the gym this morning, and I dont feel like 60 min has ever felt so long. But when I am laughing with friends, and hour could go by and feel like 3 mins. So strange to me.
I like this quote:
" Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save."-Will Rogers
Note to self: take advantage of time. I don't want to look back and say that I have wasted it.
ps. I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day! (miss you mom!)